Lalli - District Judge reverses revocation decision on Appeal

12 May

Back in January we reported on the “Lalli” case which concerned the William the Conqueror premises in Romford Road.   The premises licence had been revoked by the London Borough of Newham Licensing Committee following an application for summary review made by the Metropolitan Police. At that time the premises licence was suspended and the suspension was deemed to continue throughout the appeal process due to the interim steps imposed by the committee. Following the decision attempts were made by Mrs Lalli, the premises licence holder and DPS to have those steps modified.

An appeal has now been heard before District Judge Rose and it has been decided that the premises can open again, 9 months after having its licence suspended. 

In her Judgment DJ Rose stated: “Any decision must be proportionate to address the concerns raised. I have heard the evidence now available afresh. I am satisfied that the decision to revoke the premises licence was wrong and that the concerns can be addressed by the inclusion of further conditions on the licence…”

The full decision can be viewed here.

We are grateful to Dadds for bringing the decision to our attention.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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